Here at 040Hosting we are proud to be able to provide you with the worlds leading brands in SSL to make our customers websites secure. But what is SSL and why would you want to install it on your site even if you don’t have an e-commerce shop.
One of the most important factors of why you should install a SSL certificate on your account is showing your visitor that you care about their security, let’s face it most clients do send far more information over the net as only payment details, a lot of privacy concerning data is shared every single day on the net, its just as important to transfer that data secure as it is for the credit-card data. In fact all sites on the net should be at least using the cheapest SSL certificates to keep information exchanges encrypted. Show your visitors you love them !
Another good reason for SSL would be SEO, Google has stated that they will rank sites which securely transmit data higher as websites which do not. So this makes it from a SEO perspective a good idea to use SSL as well.
Gain customers trust for your website, apart from the DV (Domain Validated Certificates) you also have OV (Organisation Validated) or EV (Extended Validation) SSL‘s each of them building up the trust levels of your site, they take a bit longer to issue as the CA (Certificate Authority) needs to check several aspects of your requests too, they will need to see if your details match the validation by checking the OV or EV validation process. OV’s are usually approved in 2-3 days; where as EV’s can take up to 10 days or longer. Needless to say is that the Green Bar gives your clients the most trust.
To make it easy for our clients the SSL’s can be easily requested and configured in our billing system, and if you order an SSL for your hosting account you can even use our Auto SSL Installer in your cPanel to make the installation even more smart and automated.
So next time someone asks: Why SSL? you answer SST : Security, Seo and Trust !
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