Domain Market - High Quality Hosting

Welcome to our Domain Market, sometimes the domain you want is not available anymore, besides registering a new domain also means the age of the domain is very young and you will find it harder to get better search engine results, in those cases it is always advisable to look what is available on the market.

Also 040Hosting has several domains available for sale. Domains which are for sale will be shown below. Note that if the domain has a fixed price we do not negotiate on the pricing, spread payment terms may be granted in specific cases.

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Easy to buy an active domain (easier SEO)

An active domain is much easier to be picked up with search engines; so even faster SEO improvements and search rankings. 


Best Domains

We only add the best domains we believe are of interest to the world or a local niche. We add daily new domains so take a look and make your pick.

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Experienced Domain Broker

We are an experienced and active domain broker, we have done this a lot of times for our clients, let’s talk and get your domain today.

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Investing in Domains

We can assist you with building your domain portfolio, investing in domains can be very lucrative. We can manage your portfolio.


Fixed Pricing domain market

Domains with a fixed price will only be sold for the exact amount or more, and are sold to the first buyer. The Domain can then be moved to the registry of your choice, or you are free to keep the domain registered through our registry. If Payment terms are made the domain will only becomes owned by the buyer once he has payed the full amount, however the domain is not allowed to be sold to another potential buyer during this period unless the payments are not made in time, in such case we are allowed (with proper notification of this) to sell the domain to another buyer.


Bid Pricing domain market

Domains you can bid on are domains which you can bid on, a minimum price is mentioned but the seller does not have to agree on low bids.
example if a domain states >15 it means you have to bid above EUR 15,00 ; bids are only accepted in rounded numbers; i.e. EUR 15,50 is not a valid bid.
Bids will be responded to within 5 working days to make sure no new bids come in. The higher bidder wins if the price is accepted by the seller.

If Payment terms are made the domain will only becomes owned by the buyer once he has payed the full amount, however the domain is not allowed to be sold to another potential buyer during this period unless the payments are not made in time, in such case we are allowed (with proper notification of this) to sell the domain to another buyer.


Lease to Own domain market

Sometimes a new website want to start at a premium domain, but the budget is simply not there; all domains available as FIXED price are able to be Rent to Own; simply divide the price by 12 and you will be making monthly payments. Domain ownership only transfers after full payment is done within the set term of 1 year.  An additional one time fee of 75,00 will be charged for administrating the domain.



Payments for our bids can only be done by bank transfer due to security reasons. This ensures the owner and seller show mutual commitment and no charge backs can be done after a domain is transferred ownership. In rare cases 040Hosting is able to make exceptions to this rule, contact our sales department if you have any questions regarding buying (or selling) from our domain market. / / [Premium domains] – three very strong domain names referring to shops in Eindhoven; these domains are for sale together in one package.

Price EUR 15.750,00 excl.  VAT is te koop voor 8.750 euro excl. BTW – Want to create a bug hunting service, this may be a great landings page.
Fixed Price: EUR 550,00 excl. VAT (price updated)

Optional Payment options:
Lease options are possible.
Lease to own options are possible. – dutch domain stating: Coffee Everywhere ; great domain for coffee companies which like a new brand or easy recognition on the web. Besides that good coffee should be available everywhere.

Bid as from (>)    EUR 195,00 excl. 21% VAT the perfect domain for large php projects; easy to remember.
Bid as from (>) EUR  495,00 excl. 21% VAT /  / – Dutch & Belgian dish often provided on parties.
Bid as from (>): EUR 450,00 excl. 21% VAT

Both domains will be provided. – want to start a shop in orient merchandise this is the domain to have.

Fixed Price: EUR 5150,00 (price excl. 21% VAT) / and the perfect domain(s) for your new coffee store in the netherlands; easy to remember.
Bid as from (>) EUR  450,00 excl. 21% VAT – Want to create a website about hosting uptime, this may be a great landings page.
Fixed Price: EUR 150,00 excl. 21% VAT

Want to start a green website about lighting with leds ? this is the domain you really want for your led lighting company ! Nice word play on Leds and Green (like ‘lets get green’)

Start bidding as from EUR 1800,00 – Popular child domain for anything child related; its a dutch tld and translates: Everything Kids and related ; Ideal for children clothing shops or toy stores.

Bid as from (>) EUR 1250,00 excl. 21% VAT ; money makes the world go round, some say, this domain can be yours.
Bid from (>) EUR 350,00 excl. 21% VAT Perfect domain for the random blogger and logger in Europe.
Bid from EUR 90,00 excl. 21% VAT – A informative website about bottled baby milk would be a perfect fit, but anything related to babies and feeding could flourish on this domain.

[NL] Flesvoeding, misschien niet zo gezond als borstvoeding maar zeker niet iets om te vergeten, niet iedereen kan borstvoeding geven dus vaak is er een alternatief noodzakelijk, dit nederlandse domein kan u helpen om uw boodschap over te brengen naar iedereen die gewoon op zoek gaat naar informatie, een makkelijk te onthouden domein zoals gaat daar zeker bij helpen, en is van onschatbare waarden.

Bid as from (>) EUR 5000,00 excl. 21% VAT – A informative website about the week the dutch organisations are promoting breastfeeding, but anything related to babies and feeding could flourish on this domain.

[NL] terwijl flesvoeding tegenwoordig heel normaal is, is het natuurlijk ook belangrijk dat we weten waarom borstvoeding toch zeker nog belangrijker is, in nederland hebben we daarvoor de week van de borstvoeding, en met dit domein kan u nog beter uw publiek bereiken. 

Bid as from (>) EUR 5000,00 excl. 21% VAT – For any dutch health website this would be a crown jewel, healthy makes you fit !
Bid as from (>) EUR 250,00 excl. 21% VAT Perfect for any malaysian company wanting to sell shopping.
Bid from EUR 150,00 excl. 21% VAT – great dutch domain for IT related- news, blog or conference ; the dutch word ‘wereld’ means ‘world’;

Bid as from (>) EUR 150,00 excl. 21% VAT  – great inspirational domain ;

Bid as from (>) EUR 150,00 excl. 21% VAT EUR 950,00 excl. 21% VAT

Bid as from (>) EUR 25,00 excl. 21% VAT / /

Premium domain for undercover operations ( ; have a game clan or just want to be the cool guy or want to expose some hot of the press news details of an undercover operation this domain may be the right one for you.

Bids start at > EUR 1250,00 for all 3 domains ! .com / .net / .org package !


prices exclusive VAT. /

Premium domain for coronavirusses like covid-19

Bids start at > EUR 1250,00 for both domains ! .com / .nl 

prices exclusive VAT.

NOTE: Official government agencies may request to lease this domain FREE OF CHARGE during the COVID19 CRISIS

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