When searching for a web hosting provider, many people assume that the biggest and most well-known companies are the safest option. Brands like Bluehost, SiteGround, HostGator, and GoDaddy dominate the industry, with large marketing budgets, extensive advertising, and...
Here are the articles on blog
Celebrating 29 Years of Excellence at 040Hosting
Celebrating 29 Years of Excellence at 040Hosting As 040Hosting enters its 29th year in business, we are filled with gratitude and pride. From our early beginnings in 1989 as PCS-BBS in Eindhoven, to our first steps into the World Wide Web in 1994, and officially...
Managed Cloud Server Hosting
Managed cloud server hosting is rapidly becoming the go-to solution for businesses and developers looking for reliability, scalability, and performance. Our managed cloud servers, available in locations such as Germany, Finland, the USA, and the newly added Singapore,...
cPanel Manage Team functionality
Introducing Manage Team The New Way to Manage Your cPanel Experience for your team Empower Your Team with Seamless Control Welcome to a new era of hosting management with the Manage team feature! It is now available on our cPanel platform. Designed to streamline your...
Ignoring Robots.txt : The Rise of Irresponsible Web Scraping
The Rise of Irresponsible Web Scraping The inception of the internet brought with it a Pandora's box of data, accessible to anyone with the means to retrieve it. However, with great power comes great responsibility, a mantra that seems to have been disregarded by a...
Pioneering Sustainable Green Web Hosting at 040Hosting
Eco-Friendly Green Web Hosting In an era where digital technology reigns supreme, the environmental footprint of online activities is a growing concern. At 040hosting, we understand the urgency of this issue and are proud to lead the way in sustainable green web...
Enhancing WordPress Security
Enhancing WordPress Security with 040hosting Introduction As the world's most popular content management system, WordPress faces unique security challenges. Enhancing WordPress security is crucial for protecting millions of websites powered by this platform. This...
What is Phishing ?
Protecting Yourself from Phishing Attacks: Stay One Step Ahead Introduction: In today's digital age, online security has become more crucial than ever. One of the most prevalent threats that internet users face is phishing. Phishing attacks have evolved over time and...
Enhancing Email Security with SPF and DKIM with cPanel
Introduction In today's digital age, email has become an integral part of communication. However, with the rise of phishing attacks and email spoofing, it is crucial to implement strong security measures to protect your email infrastructure. Two essential tools in...
6 Common Web Hosting Myths Debunked: Don’t Fall for These Misconceptions
Web hosting is a vital part of building and maintaining a website. However, there are many misconceptions about web hosting that can lead to confusion and poor decision-making. In this article, we will debunk six common web hosting myths and provide you with the facts...